I am a real Aries

name is René,i was born in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg
april the 3rd.1955.
health reasons we (my wife and me) moved to spain in
1997, as the climate there was a
lot better for my health.
moved back to our home country in 2013 and we are happy to be
reunited again with our family.
other of my interests are :
books about fantasy especially LotR, HPotter, Diana Gabaldon and the
do like the Clancy books as well.
Of course
i am interested in history through the centuries from the dawn of manhood over
the "Cesars", up to the events of todays times.
I do
manage several languages wich helps me a lot in doing my "deep" searches .
Recently i started to take up on Netflix
and Amazon Video,and of course i spend also quite some time on social media
networks,such as facebook.
During the Corona/Covid-19 Crisis,i
dived into the Gamerworld,and i have not come out since (lol),meaning i
don't spend that huge amount of time in Graphics Design anymore,and also the
work on my website is limited,sadly the odd days have only
24 hrs.